The project Madhye performs at the concert "Void" with Taipei chamber singers on October 30th 2013, Taipei, Taiwan."Void" is a “semi-theatre piece” that explores the essence of life. The multi-media, designed by the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental media, DXARTS, is filled with Zen aesthetics and interactive lighting designs, creating an in-depth dialogue among the orient, the west and contemporary arts.Project description:In a group of teenagers, the similarity/difference can be observed from their characteristics, behavior, appearance, or values, among others. These traits could result in the dichotomy, forming the situation of “person versus group” or “fusion versus disunion”, where such relationship could be modified due to time and other factors. From another perspective, there could be many inner dialogues and interactions underneath this apparently dichotomous scene; these dialogues and interactions help to shape the spectrum that is originally constructed by the dichotomy, to create many possibilities, and to make the change(s) happen.
Therefore, this piece derives its name, Madhye, a Sanskrit word meaning “between” or “within”, from the above concept. In Madhye, the seeming dichotomy is deliberately presented by the exterior elements such as formation, structure, and archetype of the materials. The inner variables, however, allow the transformation to proceed within such a dichotomous environment: the sonic characters and adaptability of the archetype of the materials make it possible to emphasize, obscure, simplify, or complicate their similarity/difference via development and texture over time.